Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Drama King

much prefer that term to drama queen.
sounds less camp ;)

havent made much progress over the last week.
hopped on the bike a couple of times and that just had me limping the following day so i have just backed right off again.
will wait until things feel completely normal again before even thinking about running.
hopefully no more than 1-2 weeks.
still have heaps of time for kepler.
could run it tomorrow if the knee wasnt narky and swollen.
which of course pisses me off no end.

drama king overNout.
have i said yet that i like attention? :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bony Oedema?

the official word is ... i have a swollen knee :)

saw the surgeon last night.
he agrees that the itb surgery/site should be fine from that type of (side) impact.
agrees with me and spud and whippet that i havent been running enough to have a stressie! : he has told me before that no-one knows what bony oedema/bruising means on MR scans and just reflects i was uping the mileage.
having said this my shin pain probably was from this oedema/bruising.
the 'fracture lines' are just where the oedema has decided to stop at the old growth plate site.
i dont have a fracture and he didnt want a bone scan.
its nice to know my tibia isnt in 3 pieces.
i have had 4 MRI scans now over the years and all but one has shown bony oedema.
as far as i am concerned if you dont have a bruised/swollen bone youre not running hard enough ;)

agrees that the ligaments are all fine and basically my knee is just 'swollen' from the husky attack.
presumes i must have squashed one of the menisci or something when the knee buckled.

so as tim said: the rest of us wouldve just iced it and seen how it went :)

not sure when i will be back - still limping around on it.
hoping to be back in a couple of weeks that way i wont lose much in the way of fitness or muscle tone.
still hoping to get to kepler but wont book anything until a few weeks before.
thanks for all the supportive comments :)

stupid dog!
still love her though.
might give her a cuddle now.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imagination

the short version is my upper shin pain may be a stress fracture.
well at least the MRI says so.

things were going really well.
progressing towards lamington (43km) next weekend.
did 19km (mr g's torture test) at coot-tha on saturday fine.
and had physio permission for lamington.

saturday arvo i was playing with the dogs at the brother in laws.
the (slightly overweight) husky turned suddenly to chase one of the other dogs and basically hit me in the side of the shin right below my itb operation site.
unfortunately my pre-hit response was to plant the foot and present my itb knob to the 30kg dog which despite being on a diet still seems to get to 40km/hr in about 3 strides.

anyhoo...... after some girl like screaming and a quick roll on the ground clutching my knee everything seemed ok until i woke up this morning and have been limping all day.
the itb site seems ok its just the ligaments i was worried about.
felt a bit sorry for myself at work and decided to pop myself through the mri scanner.
well it looks like the husky hasnt done any damage: ligaments all fine.
but the shin pain i had last week which has now settled looks like is bony oedema (swelling) and a big stress fracture with the fracture line extending right into where one of the cruciates attach.

seeing the ortho dude on tuesday for a post-op itb checkup.
he may get a bit of a shock when i present him with some scans.
hopeful that he wont be that fussed about the mri scan to be honest.
everytime i have a scan i seem to have bony oedema (swelling) and i have been told i have had a stressie before without much pain to show for it.
just not convinced that what theyre seeing is actually a fracture.
at least i am pleased the husky hasnt ruptured a bloody ligament in my knee!

looks like lamingtons out! :)

monday: 14km coot-tha jen_runs run (JRR) 1.42
tuesday: nothing
wednesday: 14km coot-tha JRR 1.36 and massage
thursday: 30min gentle bike
friday: nothing
saturday: 19km coot-tha MGTT 2.15 and husky incident
sunday: limping

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trail only please

decided to have the 'weekend off' after 2 back to back runs this week have my upper left shin a bit sore again (same problem as 3 weeks ago).
not sure whats going on but i managed a longer coot-tha run on it yesterday.
will stick to the trail this week: the hard surfaces seem to upset me.

spent the weekend at springbrook NP which is basically 'next door' to lamnigton NP (binna burra/oreillys) not far from the the Qld-NSW border.
nice weekend to spend down there: drizzly and cold.
perfect weather to try out some gear :)
i think TOH has snaffled herself one of my puffy jackets.
just did the one walk on the saturday: about 6km purling brook falls and warringa pool.
then a quick trip to natural bridge.
after 2 trips we are all springbrooked out now - nothing left to walk there until the warrie circuit re-opens.
always nice to pop into mt tamborine on the way home.
the DTI loves the markets and the 'gallery walk' at north tambo.

monday: coot-tha trail loop 62.00
tuesday: off
wednesday: 14km flat 71.50
thursday: 14km flat 72.00 and massage and pilates
friday: off
saturday: walk springbrook
sunday: off

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Back Running

felt like i was 'back running' this week.
spent a loooooot of time loosening the quads and my patellar/knee pain has really settled well.
also decided to stay off the road early in the week and made a couple of trips (via the green bridge) to the track at UQ.
went for my first coot-tha on friday though very very slow: 69 for the trail loop (pb 48-49) walked a lot of the steeper ups/downs just to be careful.
and asked for permission from the physio to do hills later that arvo :)

ran the BRRC 10km today - a few CRs meeting up there.
finished with sunset in just under 50mins.
feel like i have reasonable cardiovascular fitness so i am hoping the kick in the legs will return.

doubt i will be able to run 44km in 3 weeks (lamington) so trying not to be worried about it and thinking about alternate plans: ?run in from binna burra end and take some photos.
must focus on kepler/gobong in the longer term.

monday: 1hr stat bike
tuesday: nothing
wednesday: 45min fartlek run UQ
thursday: 30min stat bike easy
friday: mt coot-tha trail loop 69.00 and pilates and physio!
saturday: nothing
sunday: 10km 49.50

and im not that old BT!