Wednesday, September 23, 2009


mellum got married on the weekend.
congrats veg and darren!

friday: 30mins easy bike
saturday: 7km 36 something
sunday: off
monday: coot-tha trail loop 61.30
tuesday: flat 14km 74.10
wednesday: off

recovery going well.
some rather persistent 'hamburger' foot on the left - i was worried for a while was something more but its finally settled down with some nsaids/ice.
physio quite happy with the 'famous knee'.
official answer is we are still not sure if its was the itb that was narked up or not a few months back.
still some potential problems medial knee compartment ?meniscus but almost back to pre-100km race in looseness which is good.
blisters almost healed.
flights booked for gow 100km.
bring it on.


Blogger Jen said...

He's baccckkkkkk :-)

Glad to hear that the recovery is going so well.

6:55 AM  

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