Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fuck it!

so the other half was wanting to plan our virgin skiing trip later this year ?hotham in august.
discussion ensued about (as whippet calls it) 'the famous knee'.
my response was i didnt know what was wrong with it or when it would be better.
i really dont.
and the physio isnt sure either.

an update...
itb operation mid 2008
good recovery: back running 'normally' oct 2008.
hit by dog with 'incidental' stress reaction/fracture on the mri scane of left knee which then started to actually hurt ;)
6 weeks off: walk/runs failed (early)
6 more weeks off.
re scan feb 2008: stress reaction gone maybe something funny with the medial meniscus maybe not.
8 weeks bike.
stop/start running since.

not making the progress that i had hoped so the physio and i decided to make an appointment to see the ortho surgeon again which is happening next week.
some ongoing knee pain (and clicking) near the stressie but not at the same site.
not sure if its patello-femoral pain or meniscus.

so this last week i said 'fuck it!'.
lets just push through the discomfort (again) and see what happens.
just grit the teeth and run!
if something is wrong that needs another scope then it will declare itself.
if not then even better!

headed to brissie forest park today (mt coot-tha closed due to recent floods).
was going to do an hour outNback along the wide firetrail.
got to the start of the aptly named 'hell hole break' and decided to explore.
hadnt been down there for a year or so: with team tam and remember thinking to myself at the time that it would be a narly place to roll an ankle by yourself.
got a ways along and thought 'fuck it' may as well keep going and do the full circuit via mcafees lookout/centre road.

now i knew this would take over 2 hours, i didnt have much water with me, hadnt put any sunscreen on and had no idea on the condition of the trails post flood.
also BFP isnt a great place to get lost: have been lost in there before and didnt have a compass with me either.
and had only 'run' (and i use that term loosely) to a max of 1 hour in the previous weeks.

well had a great time didnt i!
hadnt had that much fun in months.
knee seemed to like the ups and downs after 15mins of gritting teeth initially.
no major wrong turns.

so i guess i have fullfilled my definition of 'returning to running' from 2 posts ago: well BFP instead of coot-tha but even better.

not sure what will happen from here.
but at least i am making some temporary progress.


Blogger Jen said...

I love that approach to training; use it myself quite regularly ;-)

Welcome back - you've been missed!

8:37 PM  
Blogger Spud said...

Mountain man is back, watch out!

8:51 AM  
Blogger Cirque said...

Wow - maybe you could patent the FI approach to running.

Welcome back! BTW - Which physio are you seeing?

6:38 PM  

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