Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hormones and all that stuff

the endocrine system hasnt been happy with me this week.
guess its all a part of running for 14hrs last weekend at cradle.
slept for 12 hours one night (and was late for my massage!) then slept 4-5 hours the other nights.
went for a run on thursday and felt like crap!
like running in pea soup except it wasnt that humid.
things seem to be better today - and may head for the hills (coot-tha) tomorrow.
i guess its the bodies way of saying what the hell are u doing.
have made plans for 6FT as well as travelling to oreillys (gold coast hinterland) in 2 weeks time and the team mellum fatass fastpack at the end of march.
so its looks like it will be a busy time over the next few months.
will take it easy again this week and ramp it up the one following.
thanks for all the comments people.
congrats to all fellow bloggers who ran at caboolture in the rain!

monday - massage
thursday - 14km flat 73.00
sunday - 13km flat 76.00 (ran with friends from work)
nothing on the other days.


Blogger Jen said...

Look after yourself over the next few weeks Bro. Looking forward to seeing you at Six Foot :-)

5:48 AM  
Blogger 2P said...

Hey UCB - I know that feeling. After my Hellgate Gorge recce I had 4 or so weeks of the blahs - only really came good with a nice hit out on The Track yesterday - it's like a switch has been thrown and now the world is all bright and sunny again (despite the fact that it is raining).

Strange phenomenon huh?

All the best with the prep for March 10 ;-)

9:58 AM  
Blogger Tesso said...

After last weekend I reckon you could almost nothing between now and 6ft and still have a great race.

Take it easy Bro!!!!

12:17 PM  
Blogger 2P said...

In response to your question on my blog:

I've run the race 4 times - all shite times of course and have done a number of training runs on the track over the years (my first race was '97).

Specifically for this race - since mid November, 06 I have done:

2 x Explorers Tree to Megalong Rd return
3 x Explorers Tree to Coxs River Return
1 x Deviation Campground to Jenolan Caves (this was a part of my Hellgate Gorge recce and also included 6.5k of Black Range)
1 x Deviation Campground to Coxs River return.

I will do one more Explorers Tree to Megalong Rd return 2 weeks out from race day (gotta love those stairs).

And will still do a shite time this year.

Cheers, 2P :-)

12:22 AM  

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